Her 15-month-old daughter died in the OKC bombing, but she lived on

By Bobby Ross Jr. | For The Oklahoman

MOORE, Okla. — I only met Deniece Bell once.

Yet over the years, I often wondered what happened to her.

At the 25th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing, I decided to find out.

In April 1995, I was a young reporter for The Oklahoman, working overtime with my newsroom colleagues to tell the biggest story of our lives.

Bell was a 28-year-old single mother, mourning the death of her 15-month-old daughter, Danielle Nicole Bell — one of 15 children and three adults killed in the second-floor America’s Kids Day Care.

In all, 168 people — including 19 children — lost their lives in the April 19, 1995, bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. I wrote about many of those who died.

No single victim profile stuck with me, though, like the one about a blue-eyed, light-brown-haired baby named Danielle, who held a teddy bear in a treasured family photo and was born in 1993 — the same year as my oldest son, Brady.

Read the full story.

This story appears in the April 12, 2020, edition of The Oklahoman.

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RELATED: We Will Never Forget: My seven most memorable stories on the Oklahoma City bombing

Photo by Doug Hoke, The Oklahoman